About us
Many people around the world now see themselves as directly threatened by climate change’s consequences. Some of these people are also trying to fight back. Saúl Luciano Lliuya has been fighting for climate justice and he encountered people and an organisation willing to work with him and take responsibility.
Germanwatch, an environment and development organisation, has long worked for global climate justice and supports Luciano Lliuya in terms of ideals and concretely with advice, expert opinions, networking, and public relations. Germanwatch particularly supports his case, as it is a model lawsuit for clarifying those that bear the responsibility for climate change and its consequences, and for supporting people affected by climate change, while promoting pressure that leads to necessary climate policy change worldwide. Germanwatch is, however, not a party to the proceedings.
Luciano Lliuya alone would be unable to pay the legal fees and court costs. The Germanwatch-affiliated Foundation Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit has declared its willingness to pay for the necessary expert opinions as well as the plaintiff’s lawyers and court costs. Germanwatch is calling for donations for this purpose.
Wayintsik Perú (Quechua: Our home) is an independent, non-profit organization based in Huaraz that implements projects for ecological and socio-economic development in the communities of the Cordillera Blanca region. It is particularly concerned with the transfer of knowledge about climate change and support for the implementation of adaptation measures in the field of agriculture, livestock and water management.
Salvemos los Andes (Spanish: Save the Andes) is a campaign that aims to highlight the effects of global warming on the Cordillera Blanca and local communities. The campaign features people who, with great dedication and optimism, are doing their best to preserve the balance of this ecosystem - including Saúl Luciano Lliuya.

Christoph Bals and Noah Walker-Crawford on a visit to the Peruvian Andes