More climate cases
Saúl Luciano Lliuya is not the only one who turned to a court for climate justice. More and more people are affected by the climate crisis and are taking legal action to demand that companies and governments reduce emissions and pay for climate risks and damages so that human rights are protected. This snapshot from the London School of Economics and Political Science provides an overview of various climate lawsuits.
Indonesian Pari Islanders vs. Holcim
Climate change is causing sea levels to rise, which is destroying the livelihoods of the people on Indonesia’s Pari Island. The Swiss cement corporation Holcim bears a substantial degree of responsibility for this due to its high CO2-emissions. Four residents are now demanding justice on behalf of the island: they are taking Holcim to court in Switzerland demanding that the "carbon major" quickly reduce its CO2 emissions, compensation for damage already caused, and a contribution to the costs of protective measures against sea-level rise. The Swiss aid agency HEKS, the Indonesian environmental organisation WALHI, and the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) support the case.
Climate Case against Shell
In 2018, the dutch NGO Milieudefensie and other NGOs and plaintiffs started a lawsuit against Shell demanding the company to align its business plans to the goals of the Paris climate agreement. On May 26, 2021, the won their case. A historic victory! Shell appealed. A Court´s decision is still pending.
French NGOs against Total
In January 2020, a coalition of NGOs and local authorities filed a lawsuit against TotalEnergies in France. They are asking the corporation to take the necessary measures to comply with the Paris Agreement targets. Total produces about 1% of global emissions each year, more than the territorial emissions of France (445 million tonnes of CO2eq). This makes the group one of the 20 "carbon majors" that contribute most to global warming worldwide. The process has been delayed so far due to numerous objections made by the company.