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and the people of Huaraz and take a stand for climate justice.

Glaciers are

The climate case

Saúl Luciano Lliuya vs. RWE

Saúl Luciano Lliuya - an Andean farmer and mountain guide from Peru - and with him more than 50,000 inhabitants of the Andean city of Huaraz are acutely threatened by a flood wave due to the consequences of global warming. A glacial lake above the city has grown threateningly due to glacial melt. An ice avalanche could cause the lake to overflow and trigger a destructive tidal wave.

Saúl Luciano Lliuya decided to take initiative. On November 24, 2015, he filed a lawsuit against the energy company RWE in a German civil court. As one of the largest CO2 emitters in Europe, RWE is partly responsible for the climate crisis and the threat posed by the flood wave in Huaraz.

Saúl Luciano Lliuya is concerned about the urgently needed protection for himself, his family as well as the people in Huaraz, who have contributed little or nothing to the climate crisis.

The major polluters of climate change must finally face up to their responsibilities.

Saúl Luciano Lliuya

Current status of the lawsuit

Both parties to the proceedings have submitted their responses to the expert opinion on the flood risk to the court. As soon as the Hamm Higher Regional Court sets the date for the hearing, we will inform you on our website.

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“A man who takes responsibility”

Saúl Luciano Lliuya at a demonstration with a sign "Justicia Climatica" (in English: climate justice)

Climate change plaintiff Saúl Luciano Lliuya at a demonstration.

Luciano Lliuya’s lawsuit has had a signal effect like no other climate lawsuit, as it is the world’s only such case involving corporate liability for climate risks to make it to an evidentiary hearing, thus already making legal history.

Luciano Lliuya is not a lone fighter. He represents a growing number of people who, faced with inadequate political and corporate responses to the climate crisis, are increasingly turning to the world’s courts and demanding climate justice. Their lawsuits give a voice to those whom climate impacts particularly affect, even though these people have contributed little to not at all to the climate problem.

Goals of the climate lawsuit against RWE
  1. Help the plaintiff and the people of Huaraz reduce the risk of destructive flooding.
  2. Hold polluters like RWE accountable and encourage them to adopt less-damaging business models.
  3. Bring about national and international political solutions to protect the people most affected by climate change.

In addition to the lawsuit, an important goal of Luciano Lliuya is to raise awareness about climate change. The dramatic extent of glacial melt is visible to everyone in his region, but some lack knowledge about the scientific connection. Adapting to climate change is a challenge for many people, especially in the agricultural sector. To address these issues, Saúl Luciano Lliuya is working with the local NGO Wayintsik-Perú, which in Quechua means "Our home", together with the people who accompany him in his struggle. This NGO carries out projects to raise awareness about climate change and supports local communities in adaptation processes.



Big Oil in Court - The latest trends in climate litigation against fossil fuel companies

This report by Oil Change International and Zero Carbon Analytics shows, that the number of cases filed against fossil fuel companies each year has nearly tripled since the Paris Agreement was reached in 2015, highlighting a growing global movement to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for their role in the climate crisis.

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Melting glaciers in the Andes: The problem of water supply

It is not only the acute risk of flooding due to the advancing glacier melt that poses an enormous risk to the people of Huaraz, but also the water supply.

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"Now the sun burns the land and the rain comes irregularly!" - Interview with Inés Yanac from Wayintsik

The Wayintsik organisation is working with communities in the Cordillera Blanca region on adaptation and education to cope with the effects of climate change. The communities living there are particularly concerned about increasing extreme weather conditions and the threat of climate change. In this interview, you can learn more about the organisation's projects and background.

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8 Years climate case against RWE

Eight years ago, the Peruvian mountain guide and small farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya filed his civil lawsuit against RWE at the regional court in Essen in Germany. What began back then has now become one of the world's most recognised precedents for the question of whether individual major emitters must pay for protection against climate risks.

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Voices on the case


Ing. César A. Portocarrero Rodríguez

The lawsuit is fair

"The lawsuit is only fair considering that people in developing countries are suffering the severe consequences of the rampant development drive of the so-called developed countries".

David Dresen

Es geht um unsere gemeinsame Umwelt!

"I am very grateful for Saúl's commitment and I sincerely hope that he wins. This case shows that we are all globally connected because it is our shared environment and livelihood that is at stake."

Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif

Groundbreaking model lawsuit

"The test case shows where the journey is going. Anyone who pollutes the environment excessively will be called to account. Only sustainable business models will be profitable in the future."

Luisa Neubauer

Our solidarity knows no boundaries

"I support Saúl and his complaint. In a world where emissions cross all borders, our solidarity and collective action must be able to do the same. That is why we are fighting for this together."

Dr. Roda Verheyen

A historical case

"This case is already historic from a legal perspective. No other comparable climate lawsuit in the world has reached such an advanced stage in the process. No other court in the world has recognised that large emitters can be fundamentally responsible for the consequences of climate change."

Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel

A case with signal effect

"The case is rightly described internationally as a milestone in the climate debate in general and climate litigation in particular. In addition to being a signal effect to the fossil fuel industry, the case accelerates the complex and multidimensional debate about how we deal with the responsibility of climate change impacts, from local to global levels. And how we in science can best contribute to it."


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An alliance of organisations from Germany and Peru accompany and support the plaintiff, raise awareness about climate change and support those affected by the climate crisis in Peru.