La audiencia será en Marzo

La demanda de Saúl llega a un paso procesal decisivo: la audiencia sera el 17 y 19 de marzo. Aquí puedes encontrar toda la información y cómo apoyar a Saúl

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A melting glacier, an imperiled city and one farmer’s fight for climate justice


A Peruvian farmer is suing one of Europe’s biggest emitters. The case could set a precedent for holding polluters accountable for harm to the planet.

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Saúl contra RWE: un campesino peruano se enfrenta a una multinacional alemana por el cambio climático


La casa y los cultivos de Saúl Luciano Lliuya están en riesgo por el deshielo de los glaciares. Él quiere que una de las compañías más contaminantes se haga responsable, pese a que no opera en Perú. El caso puede convertirse en un emblema de justicia climática

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Behind the money: Why companies could soon pay for climate change


In this week’s episode, we’ll tell the story of a David vs. Goliath battle. How one man is taking on one of the world’s biggest polluters in a landmark case that could one day force companies to pay for damage they’ve done to the environment.

Al podcast
Who pays for climate change? The Peruvian suing a German utility


A farmer’s case against energy company RWE could shatter precedent on climate-related litigation.

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‘Battle of science’ rages over Peru glacier


A landmark court case raises questions about a German energy giant's funding for disputed climate research.

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A Peruvian farmer takes on Germany’s largest electricity firm


The outcome of the climate lawsuit will have global implications.

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The farmer suing a German energy giant for melting a glacier on the other side of the world


In a climate change landmark case, a quiet Peruvian mountain guide and farmer is taking on a German company over its role in melting the Palcaraju glacier.

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La culpa del deshielo de los glaciares peruanos se debate en un tribunal alemán


Un campesino peruano espera que su demanda contra el gigante energético alemán RWE salve su hogar en los Andes. Como parte del caso, jueces y expertos alemanes visitaron la laguna Palcacocha y los glaciares que la rodean para evaluar los efectos del cambio climático.

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Glaciares en peligro: peruano demanda a empresa alemana RWE


Demanda de Saúl Luciano Lliuya busca que empresa alemana RWE se haga responsable del impacto climático que afecta a la laguna Palcacocha, Huaraz.

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Agricultor peruano demanda a RWE


La batalla de Saúl: agricultor peruano, entabló demanda contra el gigante energético alemán RWE. El también guía de montaña, acusa a la empresa de energéticos de ser una de las causantes del deshielo en Huaraz.

Al vídeo
Demanda de peruano contra la empresa alemana RWE por cambio climático y deshielo de los Andes pasa a fase probatoria


La demanda iniciada en 2015 por el ancashino Saúl Luciano Lliuya, con respaldo Germanwatch, es el primer caso que lleva a los tribunales a una de las más responsables de la emisión de CO2 en el mundo, la empresa alemana RWE, en busca de justicia climática.

Al vídeo
German judges visit Peru glacial lake to examine a climate lawsuit


Judges and court-appointed experts visited a glacial lake in Peru's Cordillera Blanca mountain range this week to determine whether Germany's largest electricity provider, RWE, is partially liable for the human-caused global warming that could trigger a devastating flood in Peru. The visit is the final stage of a seven-year court case that could set a precedent for climate justice.

Al vídeo
German judges visit Peru glacial lake in unprecedented climate crisis lawsuit


Rising greenhouse gases have caused Lake Palcacocha to swell in size which makes the area at risk for a devastating outburst flood

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Who should pay to fix the climate emergency?


The climate emergency is having a devastating impact on people around the world. But those in countries worst hit have contributed the least emissions causing it. So what does responsibility for the climate crisis look like? And who should pay for it?

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Climate lawsuits are breaking new legal ground to protect the planet


Despite recent defeats, activists are optimistic that courts will provide relief from climate change.

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Climate Change Could Destroy This Peruvian Farmer's Home. Now He's Suing a European Energy Company for Damages


Local communities are taking the world's largest polluters to court. And they're using the legal strategy that got tobacco companies to pay up.

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Climate Change Could Destroy This Peruvian Farmer's Home. Now He's Suing a European Energy Company for Damages


Local communities are taking the world’s largest polluters to court. And they’re using the legal strategy that got tobacco companies to pay up.

Zum Artikel
German court to hear Peruvian farmer's climate case against RWE


Decision to hear Saul Luciano Lliuya’s case against the energy giant is a ‘historic breakthrough with global relevance’, campaigners say.

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The Guardian view on climate change: see you in court


It is possible to determine which nations and companies are responsible for damaging the climate. It’s only a matter of time before courts decide they must pay for global warming.

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